Cover photo and profile picture on Facebook

Your winery’s Facebook page is defined by two visual elements, the cover image and the profile picture. The cover image is the one that acts as a quasi-header at the top of the page when it is opened, and serves as the background behind the name. The profile picture is the small square whose main function is to provide a visual representation of the winery in comments and posts across Facebook.

Cover image 

For the cover image, we recommend choosing a good quality image that is visually appealing and thematically related to your winery. The cover image does not necessarily have to be a lifelong one, it can be changed from season to season or even occasionally, for example at a major event or new product launch.

The ideal size for a cover image is currently 828×315 pixels, as per Facebook’s rules. The size is important because although you can upload a larger image, it may not look exactly as you want it to. So for the best possible result, it’s a good idea to upload an image at the exact size. This is not as difficult as it seems, and our previous article provides some useful help on how to do this.


Profile picture

When choosing your profile picture, keep in mind that it will appear very small on many surfaces, such as mobile phones, so upload the winery logo or an easily recognisable image – of the winemaker as the face of the winery, a bottle, a cluster of grapes or a glass.

The minimum size of the profile picture to be uploaded is 180×180 pixels. Given that whether you upload a standing or lying rectangular image here, Facebook will certainly crop it into a square for you, it is particularly important to upload a square image in the first place.

+1 tip for event cover photo

When creating an event on Facebook and using a graphic designer to create a cover image for it, it’s worth bearing in mind that it will be seen differently across different platforms within Facebook. If you open the event page itself, it will look different to how you see the event in your newsfeed, which is how most people will see it. In the latter case, the two edges of the image will be cropped, so it is impractical to use left or right justified text, it is better to centre this information.

Adrienn Tóth 

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