Creating ideas

You can read the previous part of our series on content marketing by clicking HERE, and you will find the full list at the bottom of this post.

Why should you be aware of the process of generating an idea? Everyone has ideas from time to time, but if your content production depends on them, it can’t be random. Trivial topics will eventually run out, so it’s worth taking conscious steps to ensure that your communication is sustainable in the long term.

People who do this kind of work should read a lot. On wine and non-wine related subjects, magazines and books as widely as possible, in order to draw inspiration from them. It is worth keeping a list or otherwise organising thematic work, and thinking not only in terms of a single unit, but even in terms of a combination of certain themes.

You can think about new topics on your own, but it’s also worth discussing them with colleagues, friends or relatives. A sales person can also be very helpful in thinking about what topics are being raised about the brand with partners or at an event with guests. And if we’re the ones doing these tasks, it’s especially important to keep our ears open. An external or internal perspective can provide many clues that you may not have have thought of earlier.

Of course, this is not the only way to start, it can also be worth looking at the trending topics your own sector, but you can also look at other areas. Dialogues on the internet and social media can take you in surprising directions, but it is also a good opportunity to find out, through face-to-face conversations, what topics your regular customers are interested in, what they prefer to read about, even in other forums.

Adrienn Tóth

Content marketing series

1. rész Tartalommarketing borászatok számára
2. rész Mitől működik a tartalommarketing?
3. rész Történetmesélés
4. rész Mitől jó a céges történet?
5. rész Ötletalkotás
6. rész Fókuszáljunk az üzenetünkre!
7. rész Tervezés a tartalommarketingben

Ide jöhet a könyvről kép, szöveg, gomb, bármi…

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